Donate, Support, Invest

With help and leading from the Holy Spirit, good work is being accomplished through this little rural church in the Midwest:

~ Lives have been changed and turned around.
~ Kids and adults have been given new hope by the Lord’s grace.
~ People have been saved and angels have rejoiced EVERY time!

But we always need to GROW the church body, fulfilling the task set out in the Great Commission [Matt 28:18-20]. To help do that we need regular support to carry out our growing mission, as well as help to take care of what’s on our plate from month to month.

You can make an online donation right now. Just click the yellow “Donate” button and be taken to the secured PayPal site where you can make custom choices:

~ Any amount you choose,
~ Using a standard debit/credit card,
~ One-time or recurring contributions,
~ Directed towards any purpose you prefer.

Donate now with PayPal, one of the most trusted and secure online payment systems available.

Online donations are processed through PayPal, an intermediary service which protects your financial data using bank-grade PCI encryption. If you don’t have or want a PayPal account, your single donation can still be processed online through this free service. 

Also, you are not required to use PayPal online to make a donation. If you wish, simply mail donations to the address below. Just make your check payable to “Great Plains Fellowship”, specifying any special fund or ministry name in the “notes” area.

Mailing Address:

Great Plains Fellowship 
PO Box 261
Lone Jack, MO 64070