Small Groups

We enthusiastically support members of our congregation who feel led to explore deeper Biblical topics through discussion in smaller groups.

Ideas for small group discussion often spring up through the Holy Spirit, to study and focus on a particular aspect, topic, or theme in scripture. In the past we’ve had home groups rotate through a few houses over the course of a couple months, but most other studies met each week at the church building itself.

Some teaching and series topics have been carried out through a wonderful collaboration between 3 or 4 people from the congregation, who together form a plan of lessons the larger study group discusses.

Just a few small-group study discussions from the past included:

β‡’  The Rock, the Road, and the Rabbi
β‡’  Jesus, the One and Only
β‡’  Children of the Day
β‡’  Mercy Triumphs
β‡’  The Armor of God
β‡’  The Circle Maker
β‡’  Entrusted
β‡’  The Tabernacle (complete with a hand-built model!)

If you have an interest in digging a bit deeper with a self-conscious-free discussion of Biblical topics, it’s easy to get started: just ask!