You’ll find Great Plains Fellowship to be a warm, welcoming family of people who love rural life, horses and cowboy culture, ranching and farming.

We gather Sunday mornings:
509 W. Lone Jack Lee’s Summit Road
Our 6-piece live band leads us in worship using a variety of musical styles, mixing contemporary Christian music from radio stations like life88.5, as well as older hymns from your childhood. Each service includes a biblical teaching with practical meaning for our daily lives.
Dress code? No way! It’s completely acceptable to dress like a cowboy or cowgirl (yes, really), in your farming duds, or regular casual clothes.
What do you do when the lights go out?
You have church outside!
Sunday Morning Service
Adult Bible Study starts at 9:00 am in the fellowship hall.
We enjoy coffee and visiting at 9:45 am,
Worship music begins the service at 10:00 am.
Then the Pastor/teacher delivers the message until around 11:15 am.
Browse our Collection of Archived Media
Our Message Archive pages have links to video recordings of past messages; some Bible study teaching, special events and fun.